Sunday, May 23, 2021

Nominate Your Favorite Construction Podcast for Best of 2021!

Best Podcast 2021.png

It’s that time again to begin Construction Junkie’s annual search for the best construction podcast!  Now in our 7th year of the competition, we’re noticing a considerable increase in construction-related podcasts from every sector.

Last year continued our trend of breaking the previous years record number of votes, with the most nominees and the most total votes. In the end, Bridging the Gap secured the crown, wrestling it away from the 2-time defending champion CONEXPO/CON-AGG Radio.

Please see below for contest details and use the nomination form at the bottom of this page to submit your own podcast or your favorite construction related podcast for this year’s competition! I’m looking forward to discovering new podcasts, as well as seeing how the veteran podcasts can defend their territory.

How the Contest Works

  • Round of nominations - to ensure that every podcast has a fair chance to be entered into the contest, time will be allowed for nominations from our readers and podcasters alike. Only one nomination is needed to be entered into the contest

  • Round of voting - once all nominations are received, a round of voting will take place (start date TBD). Winners are determined solely based on number of votes. Only one vote per person will be counted.

  • Nominee articles - each nominee will be highlighted in an article with a description and details about their show during the voting round

  • Champion named - after voting is complete (date TBD),a winner will be named and all other nominees will be ranked by vote count.

The Grand Prize

For the past 2 years, we have offered a prize to the contest's winner. That will continue this year and the overall winner will once again receive FREE sidebar ad on for one full year! That will help your favorite podcast gain hundreds of thousands of impressions every year. If we are able to have multiple categories, the grand prize winner will be the podcast who receives the most overall votes out of all of the categories.

Contest Rules

Nominations can be submitted from now until Midnight PST on Friday, June 4, 2021. At that time, no more nominations will be accepted. Podcasters are more than welcome to nominate their own podcast and self-promotion is encouraged. Nominations will be researched and any deemed to not be related to the construction industry by our staff, will be removed. Shows must be available in audio only podcast form and YouTube-only shows will not be eligible.

After nominations close, voting will begin.  Voting will be open for 4 weeks from the day the polls open, date to be determined.  Winner, by popular vote, will be announced shortly after poll is closed.

As always, the contest is 100% free to enter. It’s all about promoting podcasting!


If you have questions, feel free to post a comment below or email us at

Submit Your Nomination for the Best Construction Podcast of 2021!

Enter the name of the show you think deserves to be names Best Construction Podcast of 2021
Podcast Category (choose any that apply)
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Thank you for submitting your nomination for Best Construction Podcast of 2018!


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