Monday, May 18, 2020

No Anchorage Point, No Problem with This Mobile Fall Protection Solution

courtesy of Malta Dynamics

courtesy of Malta Dynamics

Not only are falls the most common cause of workplace fatalities in construction, but fall protection is continually the most common OSHA violation.  One of the excuses for lack of fall protection that I hear the most is the lack of a proper spot for an anchorage point.  Finding anchorage points can definitely be a struggle in certain circumstances, which is why I was intrigued when I found the Malta Dynamics Mobile Grabber recently.

courtesy of Malta Dynamics

courtesy of Malta Dynamics

The Malta Dynamics X Series Mobile Grabber is a mobile fall protection device that provides an overhead anchorage point for those exact situations. The system is road-towable, has a relatively quick setup time, and can even be moved by a forklift for indoor use.

The Mobile Grabbers are currently offered in 4 different models, allowing a range of 2 users at one time up to 5 users, and an anchorage point height from 22 feet to 34 feet. Each anchorage point has a capacity of at least 310 pounds.

If a worker happens to fall while anchored to the Mobile Grabber, a person on the ground can quickly and easily lower the arm to safely return the fallen worker to the ground.

In addition to fall protection, the machine can also be outfitted with a rescue/retrieval device to safely raise or lower workers into or out of confined spaces. Other features and accessories include solar panels for power, hydraulic jacks, a wireless control remote, a strobe light, and generator mount.

To see what the Malta Dynamics X Series Mobile Grabber looks like in action, check out the video below (the good part starts at the 1:12 mark):


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