Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Construction Brothers Podcast Searches For Better Ways to Build

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Construction Junkie’s annual Best Construction Podcast of 2020 Competition is underway and the voting booth is officially open.  As part of the competition, I will be individually highlighting each of the 12 nominees throughout until the booth closes on July 1. Next up is the Construction Brothers Podcast.

As the name would suggest, the Construction Brothers Podcast is hosted by two brothers, Eddie and Tyler Campbell, who also happen to be 6th generation builders and run a construction 3D modeling company called ABSI. Now 37 episodes deep, the brothers host interviews with builders and technologists around the country that are finding new and innovative ways to advance construction.

“Eddie and I are 6th generation builders with a passion for encouraging people and spreading ideas,” Tyler Campbell told me, “We're extremely curious people and we're constantly brainstorming better ways to build. Because of that, we wanted to create a platform for discovery and exploration within the industry. Part of that exploration is talking to people outside of the construction industry. What are they doing? How have they changed their industry?”

Their curiosity drives the show, which can push them outside of their comfort zones – in a good way. So far, the pair have covered topics ranging from mass timber construction, to modular construction, glazing robots, steel fabrication, productivity, and so much more.

When I asked Tyler what the biggest surprise for him has been since the show began last year, he said, “How little we actually know about this industry we've been around our entire lives. Every week, we have someone with a new perspective that challenges and makes us better builders.”

I find that to be parallel to my experience when I started Construction Junkie 5 years ago.  It’s truly amazing how many different niches there are in construction. Each of those niches have experts, as well, which will truly humble you as you explore outside your comfort zone.

Construction is a fully collaborative experience, as well, so expanding your perspective on designers and all levels of workers in construction, from field laborers to project managers, can help you gain new insights into better managing your projects.  The Construction Brothers journey to find better ways to build incorporates all of those roles.

“It doesn't matter if you're an architect, engineer, project manager or a laborer,“ Tyler explained, “We try to make it something all skill levels and all trades can listen to and enjoy. It doesn't matter who you are or what your background. If you're a builder, you're invited to join our mission to change the industry.”

To find out more about the Construction Brothers Podcast, you can visit their webpage. If you’d like to vote for the show for Best Construction Podcast of 2020, you can do so by clicking or tapping here.

source https://www.constructionjunkie.com/blog/2020/6/23/the-construction-brothers-podcast-searches-for-better-ways-to-build

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