Friday, June 5, 2020

[WATCH] 8 Power Plant Chimneys Demolished at Same Time is Better than Dominoes

via Demolition News

via Demolition News

Power plants are facing demolition all over the world as country’s move away from less environmentally friendly power sources and abandon older facilities.  The good news, for us, is that we get some pretty awesome demolition videos out of the shutdowns.

Power station chimneys are usually pretty exciting to watch, as many are tall and skinny, leading to a pretty dramatic conclusion.  When there are 8 chimneys, it makes it even more exciting.

The Hazlewood Power Station in Victoria, Australia was opened in 1964 until its decommissioning in 2017.  At one point in history, the station held the title of World’s Most Polluting Power Source, according to Demolition News.

The site’s 8 chimneys stood nearly 450 feet high before they were demolished simultaneously early last week. Demolition News reports that it took roughly 650 pounds of explosives to bring all of the structures down. The project was carried out by Delta Demolition, Australia’s largest demolition contractor.

You can check out the video of the demolition, by Demolition News, below:


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